So God created
mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27 (read 1:26-27) - NIV
What is the image of God? This verse indicates that
the image of God is sexuality. God duplicated His image by creating human
beings as male and female. To better understand this statement, I must define
what I mean by sexuality. Sexuality is much more than sexual activity. It includes
the feminine and masculine characteristics of the human personality.
Feminine characteristics weigh more to the side of
equality, nutrition, partnership, charity, inclusion, collaboration, insight
and acceptance of emotions. In contrast masculine characteristics tend to the
hierarchical order, logic, competition, exclusion and the supression of emotions ("Men don't cry").
The narration of the first chapter of Genesis brings
out both qualities: - generating life (feminine), and organize what was done (masculine).
Up until about six thousand years ago human societies
were matri-centered and the concept of divinity was female. There were no gods,
only goddesses. Life sprang mysteriously from the earth and the feminine. The
earth was personified as the Mother Goddess who generates all beings and
receives them back into her womb. The concept of fatherhood came much later and
was followed by male dominance in the social structure. The Old Testament
reflects male dominance, but the first chapter of Genesis retains the feminine
side of divinity.
But in the second chapter of Genesis God's name was
changed from Elohim (plural) to Yahweh (masculine singular), and the feminine
side was deleted. In pre historical times the feminine side was predominant,
but the patriarchal social structure, on which the Jewish religion is based,
despised the feminine aspect and reduced it to almost sub-human. Christianity
continued the marginalization of women and Islam carries the trend even
further. Even today in our culture the feminine is discriminated against and women’s
activities are less valued than men’s.
For most people in our culture God is He, not She. To
compensate for this discrimination Catholics have the wisdom to worship the
femininity of God in the person of Mary and think of the Mother of God as being
easier to approach. Protestants reject Mary and are orphans of mother. That
leaves them with that old man sitting on that distant throne up there
in the heavens.
The first experience of all of us was the female body.
Our first nine months of life were spent in the uterus. We were then breast fed
and received caring hugs and kisses. Our mothers fed, bathed, dressed and cared
for us for the first years of our life. Mothers are much more intimate than fathers.
In spite of this, our bias puts up a barrier and makes it difficult to refer to
the Divine as "Goddess". Could not Divinity be Goddess and God at the
same time? The name "Elohim" leaves this door open.
Any attempt to dogmatize the Divine shrinks it to fit
within the limits of our understanding. Therefore, dogma is nothing more than
idolatry. By putting our limited and often misleading dogmas aside, I can
experience the Divine as Mother. I can pray, “My Mother, who engulfs me in your
love…..” Our first experience in life was our mother. We came to know our father
Then God said, “Let us
make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish
in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild
animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
So God created
mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
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