sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2016


Therefore I tell you
that the kingdom of God
will be taken away from you
and given to a people
who will produce its fruit.

Matthew 21:43 (read 21:33-46) - NIV

Jesus told the parable of the tenants of a vineyard who wanted to seize by force the property where they worked. The owner had entrusted it to their care, but they opted to take it for themselves by killing the owner’s envoys and his son. Their action was self-destructive.

The tenants of the story represented the chief priests and the Pharisees. They judged themselves to be the guardians of truth and sought to destroy those who did not submit to their system. They tried to take the Kingdom by force.

The church gives a religious interpretation to the parable. The crucified Jesus is the murdered Son who became Head of the Church. By rejecting Jesus the authorities were acting against their source of salvation.

Religious interpretations are valuable but limited to one area of life. The rejection of Jesus by the Pharisees was more than a religious issue! It represented an attitude toward truth. Jesus represented truth. Religion can resist higher truth in exchange for a lower one. Each church has its body of doctrines and considers them to be true, absolute and complete. To be out of the system is to be lost. One of the worst sins is to be a heretic or a non-believer. They have no forgiveness. Salvation is reserved for those who have the right belief and right practice. In the eyes of the religious authorities, Jesus was the "great heretic". He did not fit within their system and had to be eliminated.

Not much has changed. The church also set up a system of doctrine and incorporated Jesus with religious values. Woe be to the pastor or Sunday school teacher who goes beyond the limits of the doctrinal church! He or she is pushed away so as to not "contaminate" the flock. The purpose of religion is to restrain its members within the established limits. The purpose of Sunday School is to deepen the students in the doctrine and practice of the church. The curriculum is repetitive and the follower is kept inside the school all his or her life. Sunday Schools are the only schools that never graduate their students.

Indoctrination is an affront to human dignity. The indoctrinator places himself or herself as superior to the students who are considered to be ignorant and in need of being instructed. In reality, we are all ignorant. Any sense of superiority is an illusion. The truly wise recognize that they know little. Fools think that they have superior knowledge and want to spread their ignorance to others under the label of "wisdom".

There is a big difference between going deeper into doctrine and seeking truth. Deepening narrows our search and restricts our vision by concentrating on just one area. We learn more and more about less and less. We paint ourselves into a corner. By contrast, search for truth opens and releases. It reveals new horizons, is expansive and breaks down barriers. Jesus represented the truth and growth beyond the standards that existed in his day. The Pharisees represented the limitations of a closed system. Jesus symbolized truth and life while the religious leaders promoted doctrine and death.

Jesus continues to be greater than doctrines and theological systems. We cannot force Jesus into a mold. We cannot take him by force and transform him into our image. We cannot judge ourselves to be the guardians of truth on Earth. God continues to be the "Lord of the vineyard." Our task is only to labor to produce fruits of love. What we live is more important than what we believe. We will be judged by what we live, not what doctrines we hold. “Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them” (1 John 4:16) is a radical statement.


“Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place. When the harvest time approached, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit.

“The tenants seized his servants; they beat one, killed another, and stoned a third. Then he sent other servants to them, more than the first time, and the tenants treated them the same way. Last of all, he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said.

“But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, ‘This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’ So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.

“Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?”

“He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,” they replied, “and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time.”

Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:

“‘The stone the builders rejected
    has become the cornerstone;
the Lord has done this,
    and it is marvelous in our eyes’?
“Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”

When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus’ parables, they knew he was talking about them.

domingo, 25 de dezembro de 2016


...alguns homens que estudavam as estrelas
vieram do Oriente e chegaram a Jerusalém.
Eles perguntaram:
-Onde está o menino que nasceu
para ser o rei dos judeus?...
Nós vimos a estrela dele no Oriente
e viemos adorá-lo.
Quando o rei Herodes soube disso,
ficou muito preocupado…
Depois os mandou a Belém com a seguinte ordem
-Vão e procurem informações bem certas
sobre o menino.
E, quando o encontrarem, me avisem,
para eu também ir adorá-lo...
E num sonho Deus os avisou que
não voltassem para falar com Herodes.
Mateus 2.1-3a, 8-9, 12 9 (leia 2.1-12) NTLH

Jogo de poder não é novidade. Mateus retrata o Rei Herodes como um tirano faminto de poder. De repente aparece em Jerusalém a ameaça de um rival. Um grupo de magos astrólogos aparece em Jerusalém. Indagam a respeito do nascimento de um novo rei de Israel. Herodes se assusta, mas mantém a calma. Discretamente descobre o possível local do nascimento “do tal perigo” ao seu trono. Fingindo ter a mesma fé e devoção dos magos, mandou-os confirmar o ocorrido trazendo de volta o relatório!

O enganador acabou enganado. Os magos voltaram às suas terras por outro caminho e Herodes ficou esperando em vão. Era tarde demais quando descobriu que fora logrado. “A presa” já havia escapado.

A narração do natalício de Jesus pelo evangelista Mateus relata o contraste entre dois tipos de poder existentes no mundo até hoje: o poder que se auto promove o e poder que busca a verdade.

Herodes representa o poder auto promocional, o poder que quer se manter. Foi capaz de fingir devoção e manipular outros para alcançar seus objetivos. Este tipo de poder é encontrado em qualquer tipo de instituição, seja ela política, econômica ou religiosa. No primeiro evangelho, Herodes mata muitas crianças inocentes na tentativa de atingir e destruir o menino Jesus. Quantas pessoas inocentes sofrem e morrem hoje, vítimas de pessoas exercendo seu poder político, econômico e religioso? É só ligar o televisor e aparecem cenas de violência, guerra, fome e outros sofrimentos.

Os magos astrólogos representam o poder que busca e respeita a verdade. Este poder se abre diante da verdade e doa seus melhores tesouros. Eles buscavam a verdade nas estrelas e estas os levaram à verdade: uma criança insignificante diante dos poderosos da época. Enxergavam o que foi oculto aos demais. A ambição cega e destrói, mas a humildade abre os olhos e amplia a visão. Como resultado, os magos foram guiados para seguir outro caminho.

O menino Jesus representa a verdade; temida por uns, adorada por outros. A verdade de Jesus não deve ser confundida com os dogmas da igreja e de outros grupos religiosos. As instituições usam Jesus para promover seu jogo de poder. A verdade de Jesus é nada mais do que “amor” em ação. Este amor transcende qualquer instituição.

A busca da verdade não é privilégio de uns poucos escolhidos. Provavelmente os magos eram “pagãos”, mas buscavam a verdade mais do que os próprios “eleitos” de Abraão. As manifestações de amor se encontram em muitas culturas. Onde há amor, Deus está. Deus é Amor: Deus/Amor/Jesus/Verdade são vivências inseparáveis!...

A história natalícia revela onde Deus está em todo este jogo de poder.


Jesus nasceu na cidade de Belém, na região da Judeia, quando Herodes era rei da terra de Israel. Nesse tempo alguns homens que estudavam as estrelas vieram do Oriente e chegaram a Jerusalém. Eles perguntaram:

— Onde está o menino que nasceu para ser o rei dos judeus? Nós vimos a estrela dele no Oriente e viemos adorá-lo.

Quando o rei Herodes soube disso, ficou muito preocupado, e todo o povo de Jerusalém também ficou. Então Herodes reuniu os chefes dos sacerdotes e os mestres da Lei e perguntou onde devia nascer o Messias. Eles responderam:

— Na cidade de Belém, na região da Judeia, pois o profeta escreveu o seguinte:

“Você, Belém, da terra de Judá,
de modo nenhum é a menor
    entre as principais cidades de Judá,
pois de você sairá o líder
que guiará o meu povo de Israel.”
Então Herodes chamou os visitantes do Oriente para uma reunião secreta e perguntou qual o tempo exato em que a estrela havia aparecido; e eles disseram. Depois os mandou a Belém com a seguinte ordem:

— Vão e procurem informações bem certas sobre o menino. E, quando o encontrarem, me avisem, para eu também ir adorá-lo.

Depois de receberem a ordem do rei, os visitantes foram embora. No caminho viram a estrela, a mesma que tinham visto no Oriente. Ela foi adiante deles e parou acima do lugar onde o menino estava. Quando viram a estrela, eles ficaram muito alegres e felizes. Entraram na casa e encontraram o menino com Maria, a sua mãe. Então se ajoelharam diante dele e o adoraram. Depois abriram os seus cofres e lhe ofereceram presentes: ouro, incenso e mirra.

E num sonho Deus os avisou que não voltassem para falar com Herodes. Por isso voltaram para a sua terra por outro caminho.

sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2016


After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea,
during the time of King Herod,
Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked,
“Where is the one who has been born
king of the Jews?
We saw his star when it rose
and have come to worship him.”
When King Herod heard this he was disturbed,
and all Jerusalem with him.
…Herod called the Magi secretly
and found out from them the exact
time the star had appeared.
…He sent them to Bethlehem and said,
“Go and search carefully for the child.
As soon as you find him,
report to me,
so that I too may go and worship him.”
…They went on their way.
…They bowed down and worshiped him.
And having been warned in a dream
not to go back to Herod,
they returned to their country by another route.
Matthew 2:1-3a, 8-9, 12 9 (Read 2:1-12) NIV

Dirty power play is nothing new. Matthew portrays King Herod as a power tyrant. Suddenly the threat of a rival appears in Jerusalem. A group of astrologers appears in Jerusalem and inquire about the birth of the new king of Israel. Herod is frightened but keeps his cool. He discreetly discovers the possible birthplace of the great danger to his throne. Pretending to have the same faith and devotion as the Magi, he sent them to confirm the incident and bring back a report.

The deceiver was deceived. The Magi returned to their homes by another route, and Herod waited in vain. It was too late when he found out that the supposed "Prey" had escaped from his grasp.

The narration of the birth of Jesus by the evangelist Matthew tells of the contrast between two types of power that exist in world - the power of self-promotion and the power of truth seeking.

Herod represents self-promotional power, the power that wants to keep what it has and gain even more. Herod was able to pretend devotion and to manipulate others in order to achieve his goals. This kind of power is found in all institutions, be they political, economic or religious. In the first Gospel, Herod kills many innocent children in an attempt to reach and destroy the baby Jesus. How many children, mothers, elderly and other innocent people suffer and die today as victims of people exercising their political, economic and religious power? Just turn on the TV and you will see scenes of violence, war, famine and other kinds of suffering. We have become so calloused that we feel no compassion for those millions of victims globally unless a few of them happen to be close to us. We get so upset by some domestic terrorist action but ignore the terrorism that we daily commit around the world.

The Magi astrologers represent the power that seeks Truth and is willing to give of itself for the benefit of others. This power is open to Truth and gives the best of its treasures. The Magi sought Truth in the stars which led them to a greater Truth on Earth. That Truth was a humble child facing the tyranny of its time. They saw what was hidden to others. Ambition blinds and destroys, but humility opens the eyes to a wider vision and builds new realities. As a result, the wise men were guided to follow another path back home.

The baby Jesus represents Truth, feared by some but adored by others. The Truth of Jesus should not be confused with the dogmas of the church and other religious groups. Institutions often use Jesus to promote their own power plays. The Truth of Jesus is nothing more or less than “Love in action”. Love transcends all institutions and all systems of belief.

The search for Truth is not the privilege of the “chosen few”. Probably the magi were "pagans" by our religious standards, but were seekers of Truth. Their search for Truth was much deeper than that of most of the so called "elect of Abraham” of that age. Expressions of love are in many cultures and religions. Where there is love, God is present, for God is Love. God/Love/Jesus/Truth are inseparable experiences!

The Christmas story reveals where God is in relation to all power plays.


After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written:

“‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
    are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for out of you will come a ruler
    who will shepherd my people Israel.’”
Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.”

After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.

domingo, 18 de dezembro de 2016


Jesus disse a eles
-Eu afirmo a vocês que isto é verdade:
Os cobradores de impostos e as prostitutas
estão entrando no Reino de Deus antes de vocês.
Mateus 21.31b (leia 21.28-32) – NTLH

Mais uma vez, Jesus ofendeu os chefes religiosos. Eles confrontaram Jesus muitas vezes, e cada vez a resposta foi na altura do confronto. Como chefes, eles se julgavam autoridades máximas em assuntos de costumes e moral. Também, determinavam quem eram “pessoas dignas” a serem aceitas por Deus. Tinham um sistema fechado de pensamento e não admitiam mudanças. Jesus os incomodava. Ele não seguia rigorosamente as normas da tradição e se misturava com pessoas “indignas”. Eles desafiaram Jesus a provar que tinha autoridade de se conduzir de tal maneira.

Jesus citou João Batista como quem veio para mostrar o caminho certo. A mensagem dele era de justiça social (Lc.3.10-14) e mudança de vida (arrependimento) [Mt.3.2]. Sua mensagem foi rejeitada pelas lideranças, mas aceita pelo povo. Com este pano de fundo, Jesus contou a parábola dos dois filhos e citou os cobradores de impostos e as prostitutas.

A parábola se desenvolve em torno de uma plantação de uvas pertencente ao pai. O pai chamou os dois filhos a trabalhar na lavoura dele. Tradicionalmente, interpretamos a videira em termos da vida religiosa e da igreja. Trabalhar no campo seria igual a professar a fé num credo religioso atuando na igreja. Mas o contexto não apoia tal interpretação limitada. Esta videira simboliza algo maior – o Reino de Deus. Abrange o mundo que Deus criou da qual fazemos parte. Somos chamados para cuidar desta “plantação de Deus”.

O filho mais novo da narração disse que ia, mas não foi. Ele representa uma crítica aos chefes religiosos que confrontavam Jesus. Sua prática era incompatível com seu discurso. Estavam na posição de cuidar do povo, mas somente cuidavam da religião. Jesus nunca os acusou de atos hediondos. Seu mal era a omissão de velar pelo povo. Faltava compaixão! Seu “campo” se limitava a um sistema de regras e normas a serem cumpridas. O sistema em si era mais importante do que o bem estar do povo. Defendiam a instituição e deixavam o povo desfalecer.

O primeiro filho, no início, recusou, mas acabou indo. Ele simboliza aqueles que estão abertos à mudança. Sabem que fizeram decisões erradas e precisam de mudança. São capazes de sentir o sofrimento alheio porque reconhecem a sua própria carência. São capazes de ouvir a chamada e mudar sua vida. Jesus citou justamente os cobradores de impostos e prostitutas como cidadãos do Reino antes dos chefes religiosos! Não têm pretensões de serem os donos da verdade.

A ausência da igreja nos movimentos seculares para a libertação do povo dos males sociais atesta a omissão da igreja exercer compaixão. Dizer que a salvação é somente pela fé é ignorar o evangelho que Jesus pregou e viveu. Tomara que Jesus continue a nos perturbar.


Jesus continuou:

— E o que é que vocês acham disto? Certo homem tinha dois filhos. Ele foi falar com o mais velho e disse: “Filho, hoje você vai trabalhar na minha plantação de uvas.”

— Ele respondeu: “Eu não quero ir.” Mas depois mudou de ideia e foi.

— O pai foi e deu ao outro filho a mesma ordem. E este disse: “Sim, senhor.” Mas depois não foi.

— Qual deles fez o que o pai queria? — perguntou Jesus.

E eles responderam:

— O filho mais velho.

Então Jesus disse a eles:

— Eu afirmo a vocês que isto é verdade: os cobradores de impostos e as prostitutas estão entrando no Reino de Deus antes de vocês. Pois João Batista veio para mostrar a vocês o caminho certo, e vocês não creram nele; mas os cobradores de impostos e as prostitutas creram. Porém, mesmo tendo visto isso, vocês não se arrependeram e não creram nele.

sexta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2016


Jesus said to them,
“Truly I tell you,
the tax collectors
and the prostitutes
are entering the kingdom of God
ahead of you.”

Matthew 21:31b (read 21:28-32) - NIV

Once again, Jesus offended the religious leaders. They confronted Jesus many times, and each time Jesus’ response was direct and to the point. As religious leaders, they considered themselves to be supreme authorities in matters of manners and morals. Also they took upon themselves to determine who were the "decent people" that were accepted by God. They had a closed system of thought and did not admit changes. Jesus was a bother to them. He did not follow their norms of tradition and he mingled with "unworthy" people. They challenged Jesus by asking him “By what authority are you doing these things?” and “Who gave you this authority?"

Jesus quoted John the Baptist who came to show the way. His message was about social justice (Lc.3.10 - 14) and a change of lifestyle (repentance) (Mt.3.2). His message was rejected by the leaders but accepted by the common folk. With this background, Jesus told the parable of the two sons and cited the tax collectors and the prostitutes.

The parable unfolds around a planting of grapes belonging to the father. The father called his two sons to work with him. Traditionally, we interpret the vineyard in terms of religion and church life. Working in the field would be equal to a profession of faith in religious belief and being active in church. But the context does not support such a narrow interpretation. The vineyard symbolizes something bigger - the Kingdom of God. It includes the whole world that God created to which we belong. We are called to take care of God’s great vineyard.

One of the sons of the narration said he would go help, but he didn’t. It is a criticism of the religious leaders confronting Jesus. Their practice was incompatible with their words. They were in position to take care of people, but they only took care of religious affairs. Jesus never accused them of heinous acts. Their evil was omission. They lacked compassion! Their "vineyard" was merely a system of rules and standards to be met. The system itself was more important than the welfare of the people. They defended the institution and left the people to fend for themselves.

The other son, at first refused, but eventually went. He symbolizes those who are open to change. When they know that they made bad decisions they are willing to change. They are able to feel the suffering of others, because they recognize their own limitations. They are able to hear the call and to change their lives. Jesus rightly cited the tax collectors and prostitutes as citizens of the kingdom ahead of the religious leaders! They had no illusions about being righteous and owners of the truth.

The absence of the church in secular movements for the liberation of the people from social evils such as poverty, all kinds of violence, prejudice, discrimination, economic inequality, and consumerist materialism attests to the failure of the church to work in the global “vineyards” of the Kingdom. We ignore the gospel that Jesus taught by His words and actions when we say that salvation is by faith alone and go into isolation by taking refuge in closed ideological systems. When we measure our lives in the light of the Jesus of the Gospels, we can see many reasons to be perturbed. Many times moralistic Christians commit more aggressions against the wellbeing of others than do those whom they severely criticize. Rightly understood, Jesus continues to be a The Great Confronter to those who hide behind religious moralism.


“What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’

“‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.

“Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go.

“Which of the two did what his father wanted?”

“The first,” they answered.

Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.

domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2016


Saia da minha frente, Satanás!
Você é como uma pedra no meu caminho
para me fazer tropeçar...
Mateus 16.23 (leia 16.21-28) – NTLH

Durante alguns instantes Pedro estava no pedestal, elogiado por Jesus como felizardo e iluminado por Deus. Ele havia confessado Jesus como Messias, o Filho do Deus vivo (v17). Mas, logo depois, Jesus o chamou de Satanás e mandou-o sair da sua frente por ser pedra de tropeço. O que aconteceu? Onde Pedro errou?

O problema de Pedro era conciliar a prática com a visão. Pela fé, ele viu a grandeza de Jesus, mas não entendeu suas implicações na vivência. A proposta de Jesus para ir a Jerusalém, enfrentar sofrimento e morte era demais para Pedro aceitar! A cruz era incompatível com a grandeza. Para Jesus, evitar a cruz era satânico e Pedro se transformou em Satanás.

Não devemos criticar Pedro ou condená-lo. Ele representa a maioria esmagadora dos seguidores de Jesus até hoje. No decorrer dos séculos, a Igreja desenvolveu uma bela visão de Deus e de Seu Reino. Milhões de livros foram escritos e bilhões de sermões pregados exaltando a Sua grandeza, natureza e glória. “Visão” nunca faltou.

O problema é a prática satânica apesar desta visão. Nossa imaginação associa o satânico com as forças malignas das trevas, ódio e o anticristo. Imaginamos Satanás como “bicho papão” completo com chifres, patas de bode, rabo apontado e cuspindo fogo e fumaça. Pedro não era nada disto! Ele era discípulo com “teologia correta”, mas querendo evitar a cruz. Sua prática satânica era pôr a sobrevivência e interesses pessoais acima da cruz.

Inspiradas com a vida e morte de Jesus, as igrejas adotaram a cruz como símbolo. Será que a cruz não passa de mera decoração? Será que o cristianismo, com sua ênfase na auto promoção que gasta a maior parte dos dízimos dos fieis em manutenção de sua estrutura pesada, não é satânica? As igrejas estão se popularizando na sociedade e não representam uma ameaça para as forças do mal. Conseguem evitar a cruz da perseguição.

Jerusalém representava o perigo de um confronto direto com as forças do mal. Era a sede de política comprometida e espiritualidade alienante. Jesus foi à Jerusalém e confrontou os poderes pela sua compaixão pela multidão negligenciada. Balançou o coreto. Foi visto como ameaça e crucificado.

Será que a nossa boa convivência com a Jerusalém da nossa sociedade não é satânica? Será que Jesus falaria à nós hoje estas palavras: “Sai da minha frente, Satanás”?


Daí em diante, Jesus começou a dizer claramente aos discípulos:

— Eu preciso ir para Jerusalém, e ali os líderes judeus, os chefes dos sacerdotes e os mestres da Lei farão com que eu sofra muito. Eu serei morto e, no terceiro dia, serei ressuscitado.

Então Pedro o levou para um lado e começou a repreendê-lo, dizendo:

— Que Deus não permita! Isso nunca vai acontecer com o senhor!

Jesus virou-se e disse a Pedro:

— Saia da minha frente, Satanás! Você é como uma pedra no meu caminho para fazer com que eu tropece, pois está pensando como um ser humano pensa e não como Deus pensa.

E Jesus disse aos discípulos:

— Se alguém quer ser meu seguidor, esqueça os seus próprios interesses, esteja pronto para morrer como eu vou morrer e me acompanhe. Pois quem põe os seus próprios interesses em primeiro lugar nunca terá a vida verdadeira; mas quem esquece a si mesmo por minha causa terá a vida verdadeira. O que adianta alguém ganhar o mundo inteiro, mas perder a vida verdadeira? Pois não há nada que poderá pagar para ter de volta essa vida. Pois o Filho do Homem virá na glória do seu Pai com os seus anjos e então recompensará cada um de acordo com o que fez. Eu afirmo a vocês que isto é verdade: estão aqui algumas pessoas que não morrerão antes de verem o Filho do Homem vir como Rei.

sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2016


Jesus turned and said to Peter,
“Get behind me, Satan!
You are a stumbling block to me;
you do not have in mind the concerns of God,
but merely human concerns.”
Matthew 16:23 (read 16:21-28) – NIV

For a while Peter was on the pedestal, praised by Jesus as being fortunate and enlightened by God. He had confessed Jesus as Messiah, the Son of the living God (v17). But shortly after that, Jesus called him Satan and told Peter to get behind him, because he had become a stumbling block. What happened? Where did Peter go wrong?

Peter’s problem was in reconciling practice with vision. By faith he had a vision of the greatness of Jesus, but did not understand its implications in practice. The proposal of Jesus to go to Jerusalem to face suffering and death was too much for Peter to accept! The cross was incompatible with greatness. But for Jesus, avoiding the cross would be satanic, thus Peter became Satan.

We should not criticize or condemn Peter. He represents the majority of followers of Jesus today. Over the centuries, the Church has developed a beautiful vision of God and His Kingdom. Millions of books have been written and billions of sermons extolling His greatness, nature and glory. "Vision" has never lacked.

The problem is our satanic practice despite this vision. Our imagination associates evil forces of darkness with the satanic and tyranny with the antichrist. We imagine Satan as the complete "bogeyman" with horns, goat legs, pointed tail and breathing fire and smoke. Peter was not any of this! He was a disciple with "correct theology", but seeking to avoid the cross. His satanic practice was putting survival and personal interests above the cross.

Inspired by the life and death of Jesus, the Church has adopted the cross as a symbol. But has the cross in reality become a mere decoration? Is Christianity, with its emphasis on self-promotion that spends most of the tithes of the faithful in maintaining its heavy structure not satanic? Churches are respected by society, and represent no threat to the forces of evil. They seek official recognition and privileges. They reflect the comfortable value systems of their cultures, and avoid the cross of being identified with the poor, the homeless, the foreigner, the sick and the downtrodden minorities.

Jerusalem represented the forces of evil. It was the center of political and economic power which dominated and exploited the people. Jesus went to Jerusalem and confronted those powers by identifying himself with the exploited segments of society. His acceptance by the common people was seen as a threat to the power structure. His destiny was the cross.

Is our good relationship with the “Jerusalem” of our society not satanic? Do we live with the illusion of a “Christian America” while in reality it seethes with bias, fear, hate, violence and injustice while promoting war and suffering on a global scale in its effort to control the world and occupy a privileged position among nations? Do we want to be privileged and dominate within our society? Do we profess Christ but avoid the cross by blindly taking of the banner of cheap patriotism and blaming evil on the victims and the downtrodden of society? Are we dominated by fear and greed and want to shut others out? Do we impose crosses on others rather than take up the cross ourselves by following the example of Jesus with open arms to the sufferers? Could Jesus be repeating these words to us today: "Get behind me, Satan!"?


From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.

Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!”

Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.

“Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”

domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2016


Pedro disse a Jesus: -Como é bom estarmos aqui,
Senhor! Se o senhor quiser,
eu armarei três barracas neste lugar:
uma para o senhor,
outra para Moisés e outra para Elias.
Enquanto Pedro estava falando,
uma nuvem brilhante os cobriu,
e dela veio uma voz, que disse:
-Este é o meu Filho querido,
que me dá muita alegria.
Escutem o que ele diz!
Mateus 17.4-5 (leia 17.1-9) – NTLH

Foi uma experiência espantosa e gostosa para Pedro, Tiago e João. Tiveram uma visão gloriosa de Jesus. Lá no monte alto seu rosto brilhava como o sol e suas roupas, brancas como a luz. Moisés e Elias apareceram e conversaram com Ele. Foi um momento inesquecível! Valia à pena conservá-lo. Queriam armar três barracas para perpetuar a experiência. Seria bom ficar lá, revivendo tudo que haviam passado naquele momento.

Mas, não era para ser assim. Abaixou uma nuvem brilhante e os cobriu. Uma voz soou com a recomendação “Escutem o que ele diz!”. Este mesmo Jesus que os levou para o monte os conduziu de volta para o vale onde se encontrava a multidão sofredora. Os três queriam ficar no monte, mas Jesus os levou de volta para o vale.

O texto acima retrata as duas grandes polaridades da nossa vida religiosa: a de construir barracas para a curtição da presença divina e a de se perder no vale com a multidão.

Como bons imitadores de Pedro, Tiago e João, ao longo do tempo, a igreja tem investido muito em construir suas “barracas” para resgatar experiências marcantes. Estas “barracas” tomam a forma de prédios, monumentos, lugares de peregrinação, movimentos, instituições, acampamentos, retiros, etc.

Um exemplo é a experiência pentecostal. Lucas é o único evangelista que faz menção de Pentecostes, um acontecimento espontâneo para atender uma situação específica! O Pentecostes tem cativado a imaginação de muitas igrejas no Ocidente. Há grandes esforços para reproduzir a experiência pentecostal. Existem muitos tipos de movimentos pentecostais: avivamento, renovação espiritual, carismático, para citar só alguns. Eles se esforçam para criar condições para o fenômeno pentecostal se repetir.

O problema é que o Espírito Santo não é programável. Sopra onde, como e quando quer… Qualquer programação não passa de manipulação e Deus não é manipulável. Já ouvi este tipo de convite: “Venham a tal lugar, tal horário e Jesus vai fazer curas, libertações e maravilhas”. Alguns chegam a marcar “a tarde da bênção”, sempre na segurança dos templos (barracas). Imaginem! Um Jesus programável! Deus é tão criativo que não vai repetindo as mesmas coisas vez após outra e não precisa da nossa “programação” para operar.

O ministério de Jesus falou bem alto. Voltou ao vale. A “barraca” seria segura e confortável, mas o vale, perigoso e cheio de surpresas. Logo Jesus encontrou um menino possesso, cobrança de imposto e a discriminação. Mais adiante foi a traição, o abandono e, finalmente, a cruz. As “barracas” não têm cruz, a não ser como objeto de enfeite.

Hoje, o vale é mais escuro e mais perigoso do que nunca. O vale precisa de luz, de cura, de compaixão, de esperança. Seguir Jesus seria descer ao vale com Ele. Vivendo a justiça e compaixão podemos não transformar a sociedade, mas, tocarmos a vida de algumas pessoas, ajudando-as a superar as dificuldades alcançando esperanças.


Seis dias depois, Jesus foi para um monte alto, levando consigo somente Pedro e os irmãos Tiago e João. Ali, eles viram a aparência de Jesus mudar: o seu rosto ficou brilhante como o sol, e as suas roupas ficaram brancas como a luz. E os três discípulos viram Moisés e Elias conversando com Jesus. Então Pedro disse a Jesus:

— Como é bom estarmos aqui, Senhor! Se o senhor quiser, eu armarei três barracas neste lugar: uma para o senhor, outra para Moisés e outra para Elias.

Enquanto Pedro estava falando, uma nuvem brilhante os cobriu, e dela veio uma voz, que disse:

— Este é o meu Filho querido, que me dá muita alegria. Escutem o que ele diz!

Quando os discípulos ouviram a voz, ficaram com tanto medo, que se ajoelharam e encostaram o rosto no chão. Jesus veio, tocou neles e disse:

— Levantem-se e não tenham medo!

Então eles olharam em volta e não viram ninguém, a não ser Jesus.

Quando estavam descendo do monte, ele lhes deu esta ordem:

— Não contem para ninguém o que viram até que o Filho do Homem seja ressuscitado.

sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2016


Peter said to Jesus,
“Lord, it is good for us to be here.
If you wish, I will put up three shelters —
one for you,
one for Moses
and one for Elijah.”
While he was still speaking,
a bright cloud covered them,
and a voice from the cloud said,
“This is my Son, whom I love;
with him I am well pleased.
Listen to him!”
Matthew 17:4-5 (read 17:1-9) - NIV

It was an amazing and wonderful experience for Peter, James and John. They had a glorious vision of Jesus. There on the mountain top Jesus’ face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as the light. Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with him. It was an unforgettable moment! It was worth capturing and hanging onto. They wanted to set up three tents to perpetuate the experience. It would be nice to stay there, reliving all that had just passed.

But that was not to be. A bright cloud lowered and overshadowed them. A voice rang out with the recommendation "Listen to him". This same Jesus who took them to the mountain top led them back to the valley where there was a suffering multitude. The three wanted to stay on the mountain top, but Jesus took them back to the valley.

The above depicts the two great polarities of our religious life – isolation for the enjoyment of the divine presence or getting lost in the needy crowd in the valley.

Like good imitators of Peter, James and John, over time, the church has invested heavily in building its "tents" to conserve religious experiences. These "tents" take the form of buildings, monuments, places of pilgrimage, movements, institutions, camps, retreats, etc.

One example is the Pentecostal experience. Luke is the only evangelist who makes mention of Pentecost which was a spontaneous event to meet a specific situation! Pentecost has captivated the imagination of many churches in the West. There are great efforts to reproduce the Pentecostal experience. There are many types of Pentecostal movements such as revival meetings, spiritual renewal encounters and charismatic movements, to name only a few. They strive to create conditions for the Pentecostal phenomenon to be repeated.

The problem is that the Holy Spirit is not programmable. Like wind, the Spirit blows where, how and when it wishes. Any programming is nothing but manipulation, and God is not manipulated. I've heard this kind of invitation – "Come to such and such a place at such and such a time and Jesus will do wonders by healing the sick and delivering the demon-possessed." Some even mark "the hour of blessing", where in the safety of temples or meeting halls Jesus supposedly performs miracle on demand. Imagine! A programmable Jesus! God is so creative that He(She) does not repeat the same things again and again and does not need our "programming" to operate.

The ministry of Jesus spoke loudly. He returned to the valley. The "tents" would be safe and comfortable, but the valley would be dangerous and full of surprises. Soon Jesus encountered a demon-possessed boy. Later came betrayal, abandonment, and finally the cross. In the "tents" the cross is only an object of decoration.

Today, the valley is darker and more dangerous than ever before. The valley needs light, healing, compassion and hope. Following Jesus would have us descend into the valley with Him. By living justice and compassion in the valley we may not necessarily transform society, but we can touch the lives of some people, helping them to face difficulties and maintain hope.


After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.

Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”

While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”

When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified. 7 But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.” 8 When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.

As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”